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Pitbull lovers we love you and your dogs and these treats are for you! These cookies were inspired by a very good boy named Polo who was found as a stray on the side of the road and scooped up by his absolutely amazing mama who has given him the best life ever.

Love-A-Bull is an organization I’ve been following for some time now and I have been blown away how their organization started and the amount of good that they’ve done since starting in 2008. It all started with a meet and greet group of pitbull lovers in 2003 and over time they realized there needed to be a lot of change in the world in regards to pitbulls so in 2008 they decided to be the change they wanted to see in the world. The Love-A-Bull mission is to promote responsible guardianship and improve the image and lives of pit bull-type dogs through community support, education, advocacy, and rescue. We are honored and excited to help support their mission and will donate 50% of the sales of these treats to Love-A-Bull.

WildWolfePack Treats are homemade dog treats consisting of high quality, pup-friendly ingredients made with lots of love from my kitchen. I take a lot of pride in making each batch of treats with so much love and care for your dog. Our treats are always taste-tested by our highly trained taste testers Wendy, Eevee and Suzie to guarantee your pup will love every bite!

We will be adding more breeds, if you have a specific one in mind please reach out to us!

Please also include your dogs name and Instagram handle so we can personalize your treat bag 🙂

I’m a stay at home mom of two little girls trying to give back and make this world a better place one treat at a time.

Our dog treats will stay freshest in our sealed bag for 4 weeks out of the fridge and in the fridge for 2 months!

It is an absolute honor to make treats for your pup!

Please choose the flavor of treats you would like your treats and tell us your dog’s name and IG handle if applicable.