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Biffer Treats are dedicated to the very first dog I ever walked at PAWS Shelter when I started volunteering there almost 5 years ago. He was a puppy then and had some prior trauma, but his temperament was still sweet, kind and trusting. Over time I got pregnant with our second daughter and had to take time away from walking dogs at the shelter. A few months after I had Zoey, I came back to the shelter and jumped back into walking dogs and the first thing I realized was that Biffer was still there. I noticed he was no longer a green volunteer dog and was now a yellow volunteer dog, meaning volunteers had to receive additional training to be able to handle him. This broke my heart knowing I now had a 3 year old and a newborn and he was still sitting in his kennel waiting for his forever home. I was determined to get enough hours to receive my yellow volunteer status so that I could start walking him again. I finally got enough hours and took the yellow volunteer training course and was able to start walking yellow dogs. I remember the excitement and nervousness I felt the first time I interacted with Biffer again, I had all of this background information from the staff that he had become increasingly difficult to handle and to keep an eye out for certain cues. I went in front of his kennel and talked sweetly to him, threw him treats and noticed he was receptive to me being there and was showing me calm body cues so I decided to go into his kennel, I sat and just let him refamiliarize himself with me. He let me give him treats, let me pet him and eventually he was asking for belly rubs. I took him on a walk and every time after that he was the first dog I would go to when I got to the shelter. I would make sure to bring Biffer yummy meals, treats and toys from time to time just to show him home comforts even if it was in the shelter environment. Biffer had his people, he had a core circle of people who he loved and trusted. Sadly he wasn’t trusting of everyone in this way and that made it increasingly more difficult to find him a forever home. Biffer was hard to read at times, sometimes he seemed okay and interested in enjoying someone’s company and then he would quickly be triggered. This happened to a staff member at the shelter and from that point forward Biffer was never the same. He still had his core circle of people he trusted, but day to day it was more difficult for the shelter staff to handle him. The heartbreaking decision was made to euthanize him and that decision has lit a fire in me that burns so strong. Before Biffer was put to rest, my husband made him a steak dinner with all the fixings, I took him on a 2 hour walk and just let him enjoy his time outside. He brings so much motivation to me to advocate for the long stay dogs that get looked over and forgotten again and again. His time in the shelter wore him down, institutionalized him to a point of seemingly no return and I want to prevent that from happening to any more long stays. These treats are for him. I wish so badly that I could give him one, but I know that I can honor him with the money raised with these treats to do big things to make a big impact for the long stay dog community. I love you Biffer and I will never forget you.


WildWolfePack Treats are homemade dog treats consisting of high quality, pup-friendly ingredients made with lots of love from my kitchen. I take a lot of pride in making each batch of treats with so much love and care for your dog. Our treats are always taste-tested by our highly trained taste testers Wendy and Eevee to guarantee your pup will love every bite!

Please also include your dogs name and Instagram handle so we can personalize your treat bag 🙂

I’m a stay at home mom of two little girls trying to give back and make this world a better place one treat at a time.

Our dog treats will stay freshest in our sealed bag for 4 weeks out of the fridge and in the fridge for 2 months!

It is an absolute honor to make treats for your pup!

Please choose the flavor of treats you would like in your bag and tell us your dog’s name and IG handle if applicable.

Weight 6 oz
Dimensions 9 × 7 in
Dog Treat Flavor

Chicken and Parsley, Pumpkin and Peanut Butter


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